New Shoes for School 2024 

New Shoes for School 
 July 2024
Rotary Club of Kilgore

New Shoes for School
July 26, 27,  2024
The Rotary Club of Kilgore believes every child should have a new pair of shoes and socks to wear for the first day of school. Qualifying students can receive a new pair of shoes and socks.  If your family receives benefits from SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, or the National School Lunch Program, your children will qualify to receive shoes.
Shoes will be distributed Friday, July 26, 2024 from 8:30AM – 12:00Noon and Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 8:30AM – 12:00Noon. The distribution will be held at Kilgore College in the Devall Center. You will enter the Kilgore College building from South St. There will be signs to show the entrance.
The shoes will be distributed to each qualifying student in grades Pre-K through 12th grade. Each child needing shoes should be present for measuring to ensure the correct size. Parents/guardians should accompany children from the same family group. 
You will need to park in the Kilgore College parking lot directly in front of the Devall Center or a surrounding parking lot. There will be signs designating where to park.
Safety protocol, including hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be employed.
Zapatos nuevos para la escuela
 Julio 2024
Club Rotario de Kilgore
Zapatos nuevos para la escuela
26 y 27 de julio de 2024
El Club Rotario de Kilgore cree que todos los niños deben tener un nuevo par de zapatos y calcetines para usar el primer día de clases. Los estudiantes que califiquen pueden recibir un nuevo par de zapatos y calcetines.  Si su familia recibe beneficios de SNAP, Medicaid, SSI o el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares, sus hijos calificarán para recibir zapatos.
Los zapatos se distribuirán el viernes 26 de julio de 2024 de 8:30 a. m. a 12:00 del mediodía y el sábado 27 de julio de 2024 de 8:30 a. m. a 12:00 del mediodía. La distribución se llevará a cabo en Kilgore College en el Devall Center. Ingresará al edificio de Kilgore College desde South St. Habrá carteles para mostrar la entrada.
Los zapatos se distribuirán a cada estudiante calificado en los grados de Pre-K a 12º grado. Cada niño que necesite zapatos debe estar presente para medir y garantizar el tamaño correcto. Los padres/tutores deben acompañar a los niños del mismo grupo familiar.
Deberá estacionarse en el estacionamiento de Kilgore College directamente frente al Devall Center o en un estacionamiento circundante. Habrá letreros que indiquen dónde estacionar.
Se empleará un protocolo de seguridad, que incluye desinfectante de manos y toallitas desinfectantes.
New Shoes for School 2024 2024-07-03 05:00:00Z 0


Rotary Club of Kilgore will put out flags again for Patriots Day, Wednesday, September 11, 2024. What a wonderful way to show your patriotism and help the Rotary Club of Kilgore help the community of Kilgore. This project of the Rotary Club helps our club provide shoes and socks for the qualifying students of Kilgore ISD. It helps provide dictionaries to the second graders of Chandler Elementary and Sabine Elementary Schools, and helps us give awards and scholarships to high school students and to Helping Hands of Kilgore, Fuller Center for Housing, and The Boys and Girls Clubs in Kilgore. 
If you would like a flag/flags displayed at your residence or business, please print and fill out the flag form, send a check or money order for the number of flags along with the order form and mail to the P.O. Box 434, Kilgore, TX 75663-0434
Rotary Club of Kilgore
Flag Order:
Name of Subscriber _____________________________________________________
Contact Information    Phone# ______________________ Email ________________________
After receiving your form/ payment, a Rotarian will contact you to discuss the location of your flags.
Address for flag installation_____________________________________________________
Billing address ______________________________________________________________
# Flags for ground installation _____________or # Flags w/ flag stand _________________
Please mail a check made out to:    Rotary Club of Kilgore
                                                               P.O. Box 434
                                                        Kilgore, Texas 75663-0434
We also accept payment via PayPal. Scan our club's QR code to make a payment: 
Flag pricing is for flags to be flown six times a year. Holidays are:
President’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Patriot’s Day (Sept. 11th) and Veterans Day.
Flags are $50.00 each
Thank you for your support! Please know that the money raised is used for Kilgore College scholarships, Leadership Camp for High School Juniors, District Speech contests for high school students to earn additional college scholarship money, annual shoe project which provides new shoes for qualified Kilgore students to begin the school year, various local charities and a portion also goes to Rotary International for the “End Polio” Program, promote Peace, education, clean water, sanitation, hygiene projects, and many other world-wide programs.
Flags 2024-07-03 05:00:00Z 0
New Shoes for School - August 2023 Sar 2023-06-26 05:00:00Z 0